14 September 2020
Solotel Group welcomes the NSW Government’s 24-hour Economy Strategy for Greater Sydney which was released earlier today.
The 24-hour Economy Strategy is the first unified vision and detailed action plan developed for government and Industry to follow so as to deliver a fun, diverse and exciting night life to Sydney underpinned by arts, culture and public space activations.
Solotel Group CEO Ms. Justine Baker congratulated the Government and thanked the Hon. Stuart Ayres, Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, for his commitment to the initiative over the past 12 months.
“As an operator of more than over 20 venues in Sydney, we were clearly interested when the Industry Advisory Group was first mooted and wanted to play a role in bringing Sydney back to life.
The NSW Government’s process, and Minister Ayres’ collaborative approach has ensured that all sectors of the night-time economy were represented, and all voices were heard. We look forward to working with all levels of government, industry and the new Coordinator General to bring Sydney’s night-life back to where it should be – fun, full of life and with fewer restrictions. We think this is a great step to restoring confidence in our industry.”
Solotel Group supports the following key initiatives:
The creation of a Coordinator General for the 24-hour Economy to champion Sydney’s 24-hour economy. This is a key role in engaging and unifying all stakeholders and levels of government.
The Neon Grid – the establishment of a digital ‘Neon Grid’ that links the areas of 24 hour activity, from performance, venues, transport and most importantly marketing. The neon grid gives businesses, both large and small the ability to link their unique proposition to the late-night hub.
Review of noise regulations to streamline the process of approvals and feedback, with a practical approach taken across different government agencies.
The prioritisation of Sydney’s night-time brand for Sydney’s night-time economy is crucial and has become even more important since COVID shutdowns as Sydneysiders need to be inspired to reinvigorate their night life.