A Family of Venues



Our family has been in pubs since 1910. In 1930, we bought the pub in Darlinghurst and we continue to evolve with our communities. Founded in 1986, Solotel has been an integral backdrop for great food, beverage, entertainment, music, and positive energy.
We provide our customers the greatest diversity of experience, with 26 venues strong and growing in Sydney and Brisbane. Because we believe in the importance of hospitality in society.

In every great cultural movement of the last 100 years, there’s always been a watering hole for people to meet, share, and give life to new ideas. We’re facilitators of cultural and social change. Fostering deeper connections between people from all walks of life.
Hospitality is in our blood. It is our family history and we see Solotel as a family of venues.


Despite our size, anyone with passion and results can make a major impact at Solotel — not only in their role and the business, but also in their personal growth and development. That’s because at Solotel, we believe in dipping our toes into every area of the business and, in that way, have a huge say in the direction of our own careers.


We bring people together across our spaces and help them to feel like they belong to a big tribe – because we care. We help employees feel understood by strengthening their community connections, not just work relationships. We ensure that employees feel valued by helping them grow as people, not just as professionals.


We are always looking for new ways to make things happen. We believe that with creativity comes growth and a competitive edge. More than any other factor, we believe that trust expands creativity, new perspectives are invaluable and are encouraged from all people within the business.